2019 Sale
A total of 194 lots were offered at the 2019 sale, selling 154 lots to average $9,873 giving a sale gross of $1,520,545.00 for a 79% clearance.
The Ray White Equine team would like to thank all vendors and purchasers for another great sale!
GELDINGS - 69 lots were offered with 58 selling for an average of $9,698, giving an 84% clearance.
MARES - 119 lots were offered with 91 selling for an average of $9,648.85, giving a 76% clearance.
STALLIONS - 6 lots were offered with 5 selling for an average of $16,000, giving an 83% clearance.
Scroll down for a full table of sale results.
Offered: 69
Sold: 58
Average: $9,698
Clearance: 84%
Top Price Gelding: $35,000
Lot 22 - Hazelwood Billy the Kid
Vendor: T & G Dwan
Purchasers: Evan & Kim Acton, Millungera, Julia Creek QLD
Offered: 119
Sold: 91
Average: $9,648.85
Clearance: 76%
Top Price Mare: $35,000 (twice)
Lot 42 - Meadowbrook Magnolia
Vendor: Corbould Oakdene Pty Ltd
Purchaser: AM & JR Lamb, Gwambigwine, Taroom QLD
Lot 112 - Romeos Kitty
Vendor: Bill Carey
Purchaser: Coolreagh Pastoral Co, Yelvertoft Station, Mt Isa QLD
Offered: 6
Sold: 5
Average: $16,000
Clearance: 83%
Top Price Stallion:
Lot 131 - Bighouse Matlock
Vendor: CT & BM Ellrott
Purchaser: PM & MM Hill, Clements Creek, Clarke Creek QLD
The Ray White Equine Team would like to thank all vendors, purchasers and under-bidders for their support of the 2019 sale. We hope to see you all back at the 2020 sale as a part of the Incentive Campdraft program with great prize money up for grabs.